You may notice new signage at our local Conservation Areas outlining a new system of Visitor Day Use payment! The Catfish Creek Conservation Authority (CCCA) has implemented the Mackay Pay Phone App at Springwater Conservation Area, Springwater Forest, Archie Coulter Conservation Authority (ACCA), and Yarmouth Natural Heritage Area (YNHA).
Through this smart phone app – visitors can pay for their Day Passes or Trail Fees. Our fees remain unchanged – $10.00 vehicle day pass for the Springwater Conservation Area Day Use and $3.00 per person per use for the trails at Springwater Forest, ACCA, and YNHA.
Directions as to how to download the app or how to pay without a smart phone are on the signs or below:
Enter the parking zone number
- Springwater Forest: Zone 3201 (four (4) entrances, same zone #)
- Springwater Conservation Area: Zone 3202 (two (2) entrances, same zone #)
- Archie Coulter Conservation Area: Zone 3203
- Yarmouth Natural Heritage Area: Zone 3204
Enter your licence plate number, select Day Pass or the Trail Pass amount, and method of payment
The Mackay Pay Phone app is being implemented to streamline our payment methods, provide convenience for visitors, and to also assist our enforcement officers who will be patrolling these areas. Funds raised from the fees will provide upgrades to the facilities at these Conservation Areas to improve visitor experience.
If you do not have a smart phone, you can still purchase permits and passes in person at the Springwater Conservation Area Visitor Centre and the CCCA Administration Building during regular business hours. Or even continue to use the yellow Trail Cash Boxes.
For more information, please contact Kelsey Oatman, Program Support Assistant at [email protected] or (519) 773-9037.