The Catfish Creek Conservation Authority (CCCA) is responsible for maintaining a Flood Forecasting and Warning System throughout the watershed.
The CCCA monitors weather, ice and watercourse conditions throughout the year and if conditions indicate a flood may be possible or imminent, the CA must notify the affected municipalities. The CCCA utilizes many tools in the flood forecasting program: Internet weather forecasts and radar images, ice monitoring, channel sounding, water level gauges, precipitation and wind gauges, visual inspections of the watershed conditions and staff experience.
Notices are sent out via email to our municipalities and the media by the Water Management Technician. Conditions are also posted online via our website, Facebook, and Instagram.
There are five types of notices sent to the media and municipalities depending on watershed conditions:
No flood conditions exist
Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety
High flows, unsafe banks, melting ice or other factors that could be dangerous for recreational users such as anglers, canoeists, hikers, children, pets, etc. Flooding is not expected.
Watershed Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook
Early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high wind or other conditions that could lead to high runoff, cause ice jams, lakeshore flooding or erosion.
Flood Watch
Flooding is possible in specific watercourses or municipalities. Municipalities, emergency services, and individual landowners in flood-prone areas should prepare.
Flood Status – Flood Warning
Flooding is imminent or already occurring in specific watercourses or municipalities.