We here at Catfish Creek Conservation Authority are big dog lovers and we welcome all dogs to our properties. Unfortunately, we have noticed an increase in dogs that are off-leash and a decrease in the removal of dog feces. Please scoop your dog’s poop, remove the excrement from the trail, and carry it out in a plastic bag (or equivalent). Do not leave plastic bags, or other garbage, in the forest. Furthermore, dogs MUST be leashed at ALL TIMES at ALL of our properties.
Here is why we ask you to leash your pets:
No matter how well behaved your dog is, many people are afraid of dogs.
Loose dogs can injure people, other dogs
Loose dogs get into more fights with other dogs and animals. An off-leash dog could wander into another animal’s territory provoking a fight.
A conservation area is working to protect wildlife and especially species-at-risk; your best friend can become nature’s enemy if allowed to run free. Dogs that leave trails
Know the laws that affect you as a dog owner:
Under the Conservation Authorities Act R. R. O. 1990, Regulation 100, Section 10. (2). States:
No person who owns or controls an animal shall, in the conservation area, permit the animal to,
a.) make excessive noise or disturb other persons
b.) enter water designated for wading, bathing, swimming or be on the beach adjacent to the water; or
c.) be at large (be off leash)
Under the Fish and Wildlife Contravention Act, 1997, C.41 Dog running at large states:
(3) The owner of a dog or any other person responsible for a dog shall not permit it to run at large,
a.) During the open season for a species of big game in an area prescribed for the purpose of subsection (2); or
b.) During the closed season for a species of big game in an area usually inhabited by that species. 2009, c. 33, Schedule. 22, s. 2 (14).
If you are found to be in contravention of the above Acts, you will be asked to leave the Conservation Area immediately and/or face a financial penalty.
Keeping your dog on a leash and cleaning up after it will ensure a pleasurable experience for all visitors.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Catfish Creek Conservation Authority
www.catfishcreek.ca | 519-773-9037