For Immediate Release
Flood Warning for Residents of Catfish Creek Watershed
Issued on February 22nd at 2:45 p.m.
Issued by: Peter Dragunas, Water Management Technician
Catfish Creek Conservation Authority
(519) 773-9037
This is a FLOOD WARNING that flooding is imminent and dangerous water level conditions are occurring in low-lying areas of the Catfish Creek Watershed.
This is a WARNING that flooding is imminent / extremely possible or occurring.
Effective immediately, the Catfish Conservation Authority is upgrading the Flood Watch issued February 19th at 10:00am to a Flood Warning for low lying areas within the watershed. Due to heavy rain, remaining snowpack and a warming trend there is a high potential for flooding to occur in low-lying areas of the watershed. This Warning will remain in effect and be adjusted accordingly. Residents are asked to watch local conditions closely and take appropriate action.
Existing hydrological conditions within the Catfish Creek watershed coupled with the remaining snowpack and pockets of residual ice on the Catfish Creek indicate that potentially high water level hazard situations exist. Primary concerns are rapidly increasing creek levels and associated intensifying water flows. Flooding of low-lying areas, fields, adjacent park land, urban storm drains, small streams, creeks, or urban areas is imminent / extremely possible or occurring. Creek levels are increasing and are expected to continue rising.
Water levels are increasing in most areas throughout the watershed and may escalate over top of bank in low-lying flood prone areas. The public is encouraged to stay away from open bodies of water, and to keep children away from waterways during times of high water levels and flows.
Residents are asked to watch local conditions closely and take appropriate action. Updates will be made available if conditions warrant.