For Immediate Release
Lake Erie Condition Statement
Issued on May 9, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.
Issued by: Peter Dragunas, Water Management Technician
Catfish Creek Conservation Authority
(519) 773-9037
The Catfish Creek Conservation Authority (CCCA) is issuing a Lake Erie Conditions Statement within the CCCA Administrative Area.
This is a Lake Erie Water Safety, Conditions Statement indicating possible flooding during adverse weather conditions of low-lying areas along the Lake Erie shoreline due to potential wave uprush and storm surge. These conditions could be dangerous for ANY activities in and around Lake Erie.
The National Hydrological Services Great Lakes Water Levels Information Notice from the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Regulation Office reports that:
- Water Level of Lake Erie increased 16 cm over the last month, while the long-term average rise for April is 12 cm.
- Lake Erie’s beginning-of-May level was 30 cm above the period of record (1918-2022)
- Lake Erie’s level is expected to continue a seasonal rise under most potential water supply scenarios, increasing by 6 cm in May
Risks due to high water levels on Lake Erie:
Increased risks, while water levels remain above the threshold, include shoreline flooding, beach submersion, crawl space and septic system inundation, and wave-driven erosion along some reaches of Lake Erie’s shoreline.
All affected persons are recommended to keep a close watch on weather conditions, including wind forecasts.
This message will be in effect until (or updated before) June 10, 2024.